Thursday, 31 January 2013

The start of my album life

A little album where, I hope of all my heart, to take place all my special moments
I have lived and I will live.
And who knows, maybe you will take part in this period where everything is good in life
Your soul will fly when you'll see them.
Is like a gate  to another lost world, in a vintage style or modern.
I relly wish to share my past with a lot of precision. What you say?
It is just a step i traveled. Hope to return with something beautiful  witch doesn't deserve to remain
in the forgotten corner.
It is important to look for solution. And over years to open the book and say : '' Look! It was so cute in that time. I'll always think about this'' or ''I really did this. It isn't me ! ''
The memories are like little diamonds , are beautiful but if we don't care of them, the diamond will disappear.
So, think about this and don't let him burn.

Un mic album unde, sper din toata inimioara mea, sa aiba loc toate momentele frumoase
pe care le-am trait si pe care le voi trai.
Si cine stie poate ve-ti avea si voi parte de aceste momente in care sufletul va zburda
la privirea lor. 
Ca o portita spre o lume uitata de timp, intr-un stil vintage sau modernist.
Imi doresc tare tare sa pot impartasii trecutul cu mai multa precizie si usurinta toate aceste clip.
Voi ce spuneti?
Este doar o etapa, pe care am parcurs-o. Sper ca voi putea reveni cu ceva frumos care
nu merita sa ramana in coltul uitarii.
Este foarte important ca noi sa gasim o solutie pentru toate acestea. Eu am gasit.


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